- Mfr. #:
- SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X
- Description:
- Lifecycle:
- New from this manufacturer.
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SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X Information
Part No. SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X is now available at OMO. Request a quote of SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X please use the request quote or email us a RFQ.
SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X Price & Stock
SiTime SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X pricing and available inventory.
Seller | SKU | Stock | 1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | 10000 | Updated |
Digi-Key | 1473-SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X-ND | - | 11.56 | 11.08 | 9.28 | 7.60 | 6.70 | 2020-01-02T13:46:23Z |
Avnet | SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X | - | - | - | - | 5.21 | 4.96 | 2020-01-03T02:29:50Z |
AD5242BRUZ1M distributor
- (hot Offer) Sit1602bi-32-33s-66.666660x - Alibaba.com
- SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666600 SiTime - Oscillators - DigikeySIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666000 SiTime - Oscillators - Digikey
- SiT1602B - SiTime
- Jul 8, 2020
- SiTime / SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X
- SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666600X - Infinity-Electronic
- ຫຸ້ນ SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660T ທີ່ - ExceStoreຫຸ້ນ SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660Y ທີ່ - ExceStore
- SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.660000Y |SiTime - OMO ElectronicSIT1602BI-32-33S-74.175824X |SiTime - OMO Electronic
Alternate Names
SiTime has several brands around the world that may have alternate names for SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X due to regional differences or acquisition. SIT1602BI-32-33S-66.666660X may also be known as the following names:
- SiTime Corporation