Mfr. #:
Pulse Transformer 1:1:1 2000Vrms 10.6Ohm Prim. DCR 8.9Ohm/12.2Ohm Sec. DCR 18pF 200Vus Through Hole (Alt: 1009C)
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1009C Information

Images are for reference only. Mfr. #: 1009C is in stock.
See Product Specifications for more details.
If you are interested to buy 1009C,Just Email us. [email protected], our sales team will reply you within 24 hours


Packaging Tube
Termination-Style Through Hole
Mounting-Style Through Hole
Product Pulse Transformers
Manufacturer Murata Power Solutions Inc.
Product Category IC Chips
Voltage-Time-Et 550 V us
Height 15.75 mm
Length 15.06 mm
Width 15.06 mm
Primary-Resistance 1.3 Ohms 1.7 Ohms
Turns-Ratio 1
Operating-Temperature-Range 0 C to + 70 C
Mounting-Type -
Size-Dimension -
Height-Seated-Max -
Transformer-Type -
Turns-Ratio-Primary:Secondary -
Inductance -
E-T -
Series *

1009C Price & Stock

TB Wood's 1009C pricing and available inventory.

SellerSKUStock 1 10 100 1000 10000 Updated
MRO Supply345417Yes-----2019-11-24T02:41:25Z

Alternate Names

TB Wood's has several brands around the world that may have alternate names for 1009C due to regional differences or acquisition. 1009C may also be known as the following names:

  • Tb Wood's Incorporated